Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pictures to see

Here is the start of the bookmark. It's taking longer than I expected. but I am using size 2 needles.

Here is the dishcloth. It's almost finished.

Here is the sachet-it's not filled and doesn't have the ribbon yet.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

An answer to the never ending dish towel

I am lanquishing on this dishtowel. I don't think I will get it done in time. Then I had a revelation! Turn the dish towel into a dish cloth! I checked the size against one and I have the width right but the length is a bit short yet. I'm guessing maybe 10-20 more rows. I am very interested right now in my Packer sock. I also want to knit on other hibernating projects I have. I have to get something finished by winter. I am still planning on buying myself my own camera for my birthday. I will take a pic of this dishcloth when finished using Grace's ipod.

I have the sachet finished and I want to knit a bookmark as well to round out the handknit gift for Hannah's piano teacher. That sachet is so easy and quick. I think I had it done in 3 days. I just have to go to Walmart and get a $.50 roll of thin ribbon to tie the sachet up in. These will definatly be Christmas/bithday gifts for people! The bookmarks probably to.