Thursday, February 2, 2012

Legwarmers update

On Tuesday I went to Knitch for help in doing 2 at a time. The ladies there didn't know how and had to refer to the internet! It made me feel better. Even the knit shop ladies don't know everything. But I was surprised since magic loop and 2 at a time seem popular. But we got both legwarmers cast on but I was confused about in what order do I knit them? Do I knit one half of each sock turn and do the other halves or do I knit both rows of one sock and then both rows of the other? The lady helping me didn't really know either. After much thought, I decided to abandon the 2 at a time and just work on one at a time. I feel much better about it. I can learn 2at a time later with 2 different yarns.

I am now on row 5 of 25 of the ribbing. It is hard to work ribbing on black yarn...but not impossible. I can see the purls so I start at the end of the row and I go knit purl knit purl etc and I can tell what stitch I need to start with. It appears I am doing it right. The ribbing is starting to develop. I'm cautiously optimistic that this will turn out right. But I do need to concentrate on each row and mark down when I finish a row.

Doing this also reminds me again how much I love these Knit Picks needles and the cables. So flexible and easy to use for magic loop. I may post a picture later but black yarn does not photogragh well.

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