Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I was doing it wrong!

I was at kniting group tonight and we were talking about reading the written chart. Someone mentioned doing the ssk stitch - slip slip knit. They described how to do it and I realized I was doing it wrong! I was slipping the 2 stitches and then knitting the third. Nope! You slip 2 stitches and then knit them off from the right needle. It's a left leaning decrease. I panicked because I have two projects that I think use ssk's. One is a shawl and I think I have not gotten to the ssk's yet. The other project is a scarf and I can't find the directions at the moment. Both these projects are UFO's-unfinished objects. I will attack them again next year.

I really like this group. It's at my local Ben Franklin once a month. I won a book tonight. They drew names. I hadn't won before. It's a book for beginning knitters. There are a few patterns I would knit.

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